Outstanding Childbirth Educator, 3 years in a row
At the 3rd annual It Takes A Village Awards – hosted by Pomegranate Center, I was very honored to received Most Outstanding Childbirth Educator for the 3rd year in a row. A previous client is asked to give a testimonial for each of the honorees. This is the testimonial my client gave for me.
“I met Susan Bradford 5.5 years ago when I was pregnant with my
daughter in The Birth Journey, her Holistic Childbirth Preparation
Class. Susan is passionate about birth. Her class truly IS holistic – I
cannot imagine a more thorough approach – giving appropriate
credence to both the beneficial science and research of the last 100
years, AND the ancient intuitive approaches to birth by which babies
of our species have come into the world for the last 100k years.
Susan is pro women, pro children, and pro family. Her social activism
goes far beyond her birth prep, newborn care and breastfeeding
classes and pregnant women’s circles. She can be spotted in a pink
pussy hat demonstrating in the recent women’s marches, organizing
garage sales to raise funds for families devastated by the recent
wildfires, and advocating vocally for family rights to be informed and
tailor medical choices for ourselves and our unique children – selfless
community actions which younger generations of women would
collectively benefit to emulate. Susan kindly and passionately speaks
her mind -and doing so educates, guides, and bolsters the rest of us
to do the same.
Tata, as she is affectionately called by my daughter and the other
children she cares for, is kind, thoughtful and good humored, always
ready to chuckle about life’s ironies and sweetnesses, the benevolent
grandmotherly presence. She is the archetypical Crone, harboring the
wisdom, the courage, the long term view, the steadiness, healthy
detachment and nurturing Love that are at the heart of the divine
feminine. My family would not be the same without her.
So it is my honor and privilege tonight to present Susan with the “It
Takes a Village Award” for the third and crowning time. In the birth
community and in Community, Susan Bradford is one of the Greats.”
Lovingly written by Maggie Dawson for presentation to Susan at Pomegranate on 4/26/19
Posted on: July 9, 2019, by : admin